Skibidi Toilets in Skibidi Toilet

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400 likes is massive and I couldn't thank all of you for caring enough to like my posts and read my theorys! Here's some of my art posts in order from oldest to newest!

40 followers is alot of followers but since I'm literally in bed I can't really do much right now to celebrate it right now so here's da evolution of my profile picture!

Skibidi toilet 73 prediction! (Read prediction in comments). This art is by me btw

Skibidi toilet 7 turned 1 year old yesterday witch means that g-toilet is now a year old!


Sorry for not posting much art things lately, I been making something else not related to gamejolt and it's taking alot of time but there should be a new art post tomorrow. Here's some hints for drawings I'm making soon :)

1)🎂🎉. 2)👮‍♂️🍏 3)🐌🔨

What would you do if you met dafuqboom in real life?

  4 votes Voting finished

New skibidi toilet 73 part 1 leaks just dropped! Check out elite cameramans analysis!

How old do you think the skibidi toilets are? (My answer in comments)

On the 13 of April g-toilet will turn one year old! 🎂🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉

Claw astro toilet. Out of lego! And jumbo josh is there too....